[] ux feedback

asked 2015-09-16 00:46:02 +0300

lassizci gravatar image

updated 2015-09-16 08:00:47 +0300

Some things I noticed after the UI update:

  1. Phone app: When using the device with one hand, phone used to be the easiest (some may argue the most commonly used as well, but I don't know) app to launch when the top row of the apps was visible in the home screen. After the update it's in the top left corner, which is the hardest to reach (in my case, impossible). So the update requires re arranging the icons. Easiest to use are apps that are somewhere below 3rd or 4th row. Usually the most important ones should be the easiest to use and also on the spots that get most of attention. In western countries this pretty much would mean lefto to right, top to bottom.

  2. The obvious way to come around is to keep the apps open which leads to the next thing: If that's the way the device is ment to be used, why many of the application covers look the same? Probably the reason I noticed the first point is that I have hard time to find out which one is the phone app with just a quick look. E-mail app for example has a big clear @ symbol as a background. I think it would help if Phone had phone symbol as a background. Well, message app cover has a message symbol, but it's rather small.

  3. Phone shouldn't be that hard to lock. Swiping from top edge isn't easy to reach and then you also have to tap an icon that's on top while overall design is that you shouldn't have to reach the top edge for e.g menus.

Of course there are good things as well. Ten fold improvement to events view and horizontal swipe is effortless compared to previous. Also it's convenient to see battery/clock/network coverage in the home view. Those things aren't visible on other devices by accident :)

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For emergency reasons needs the phone app accessible very quickly, also the number pad. I don't wish anybody to come in this situation with the jolla phone especially to open the number pad while having shaking hands.

poddl ( 2015-09-16 01:47:54 +0300 )edit

I already requested a baclground symbol for the phone app cover here: https://together.jolla.com/question/108415/add-a-background-symbol-to-phone-app-cover/

wanderer ( 2015-09-16 07:23:43 +0300 )edit

In addition, if the way to be is to have the apps open why does launcher have such a promintent position in the navigation scheme?

chemist ( 2015-09-16 10:57:14 +0300 )edit

If there's no apps open and you tap on homescreen, that row of 4 ahortcut will appear at bottom ~2-3s, sure this wont help is there's app open. But if up pulley would be there at omescreen too, you could add shortcut to phone etc. to the pulley. Maybe number of shortcuts could be little more than 3 though.

What comes to pulleys overall, I think pulleys miss some of the glowing look from Sailfish 1.0. At least for now there's sometime pulley which you don't even see that there should be. In tweetian and Warehouse for example it's hard to see there's one if compared to SFOS1.0. Sure those apps are not updgraded for SFOS2.0 but still I think little bit of that glow should be added when there's a pulley.

huuhaa ( 2015-09-16 12:01:40 +0300 )edit

i also think that on a phone the phone app should be central. btw i miss the eventsview swipe.up. what's wrong with the old way to acess app launcher? i can't understand that new thinking. there are nice things but in some points sfos 1 is much better

NuklearFart ( 2015-09-16 15:13:25 +0300 )edit