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Asked: 2014-01-10 10:27:32 +0300
Seen: 474 times
Last updated: Jan 10 '14
How to purge plaintext passwords out of the virtual keyboard's cache ?
Dynamic DNS account + SSH from the internet?
Add the ability to change DNS settings for 3G
"Clear notifications" does not clear app updates [not relevant]
Bug: cached map tiles / browser images show up in Photos section of Gallery
Wrong map tile in Helsinki [answered]
[Bug] Browser downloads images twice
Bandcamp Android app cannot play music from cache
Half-broken DNS resolver being used instead of the local router.
Have you tried restarting locally connman service ?
rsainio ( 2014-01-10 10:49:12 +0300 )editI have not. I'm still learning the structure of the OS and what controls what. I'll look into how to work with connman and see if restarting the service clears the DNS cache.
CraigA ( 2014-01-10 12:09:47 +0300 )edit