After upgrading the Qt creator SDK the i486 kit is missing

asked 2016-08-15 20:01:33 +0300

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I am new to the Jolla SDK, so I followed the link, to setup the environment.

Today the Aug 15 2016, when I opened the Qt creator I was asked to upgrade, so I let it upgrade to SDK 1608. After the upgrade finished, the i486 kit where missing. To fix this I click the left side icon of Sailfish OS and then choose Targets, there I clicked the wheel near the SailfishOS-i486, and then I choose to sync. This restores the i486 kit.

The reason I got to this is because I fail to run the media gallery example. When I open the example project and click the run, I am asked to start the two virtual machine, but at the end I get this error:

bash: /opt/sdk/mediagallery/usr/bin/mediagallery: cannot execute binary file Application finished with exit code 126

When I sshed the emulator I found that the file had this magic:

/opt/sdk/mediagallery/usr/bin/mediagallery: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=0x8180cf763eeb0d71ce24f23dbc43023839477154, stripped

I wish there was a tutorial that would explain from the start how to install the SDK on a common ubuntu, and run this example. cause sshing to the emulator is not trivial to some.

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