[Possible bug] Orientation lock won't go away [not relevant]
I'm using the Jolla 1 with early access.
I found that after having orientation lock activated, I cannot actually de-activate it again. I can tap on the lock symbol so it shows the orientation lock as off, but that doesn't do anything: Everything will remain in portrait mode. When I go to system settings > display, the device reacts as expected to the settings landscape and portrait, but dynamic keeps it in portrait no matter how I hold the phone.
I first thought there might be a hardware problem, but applications from the store like Water or various spirit levels (never thought I'd use them to solve a real problem) work perfectly, so the sensors should be OK.
I cannot even tell exactly when it started because I almost always use the device in portrait mode. It was like 2 or 3 weeks ago when I accidentally discovered the orientation lock shortcut, put it in the shortcut menu and activated it. It seemed like a good idea then because I was using Ankidroid in bed before I went to sleep and the phone would keep switching orientations.
Problem is: I really cannot tell if I ever switched the orientation lock back off again before my current troubles started. So there is a slight chance that the two things are in fact unrelated. I don't think so, however. UI orientation always worked "dynamically" before using the orientation lock for the very first time. Now it doesn't any longer. The only thing I'm not 100% sure about is when I first noticed it... and if the lock switch was still on or off again at this time.
- Can anyone reproduce this with and a Jolla 1?
- Is there anything I can do to fix it from the command line?
You aren't holding a finger on the screen while turning your phone, right?
nthn ( 2016-08-23 22:30:31 +0300 )edit@nthn LOL no. But you're right, one can never know... ;)
ossi1967 ( 2016-08-23 23:09:36 +0300 )editAfter I updated to, everything is back to normal. I still don't know if it was an issue with or if something else was broken on my device and the update process as such fixed it. Anyway... Seems I was the only one who experienced this and it's safe to close as outdated. :)
ossi1967 ( 2016-09-01 13:15:33 +0300 )edit