How to quickly restart the stock browser?

asked 2016-08-24 23:33:48 +0300

tetris11 gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 20:38:56 +0300

Tanghus gravatar image

Hi, the stock browser is great for playing webm files, except when it isn't and throws the "Mime Type Not Supported" error.

This can be fixed by restarting Lipstick, but it's a pain to have to do that when all that's really required is to kill whatever process is blocking the video playback device.

Are there any easy ways to do this?

Specifically: What Lipstick child-process do I need to kill?

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ps aux | grep browse is your friend

pichlo ( 2016-08-24 23:51:21 +0300 )edit

I've done that, but killing sailfish-browser doesn't free up the graphics device, it just closes the browser child UI process as far as I understand

tetris11 ( 2016-08-24 23:55:00 +0300 )edit

In that case, my apology. It always helps me. Your problem must be different.

pichlo ( 2016-08-25 00:34:26 +0300 )edit

Do you have the same problem with the webm videos not playing sometimes then?

tetris11 ( 2016-08-25 00:47:16 +0300 )edit

No - to be honest, I did not even know what webm was. But I have had a whole spectrum of other issues with the browser getting stuck. For example, when I close the browser after a long browsing sessuon, it would not open the next day. It wod just spin for a while and then disappear. Killing sailfish-browser cures it, although to be honest life is too short to struggle with the OS on almost a daily basis. Most of the tme I just reboot the damn phone and get on with my life.

pichlo ( 2016-08-25 01:15:14 +0300 )edit