Selecting details to be displayed in the contact screen

asked 2016-09-10 22:24:22 +0300

al_exquemelin gravatar image

I may have overlooked something, yet I can't see how to add/remove fields to be displayed in the contact screen (the one that appears after I tap a contact in the alphabetic list). For example, I'd like to get middle names displayed, as I've used them to store the patronymics for some of my contacts. Right now, I have to switch to the edit screen to see these. I see that another option is storing both given name and patronymic in the "name" field, but maybe there is (or should exist) a way to tune the contact screen?

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Currently this isn't possible, but you could work around it by placing the patronymics in the 'nickname' field, that way they show up in a small font below the name and surname.

nthn ( 2016-09-11 00:28:18 +0300 )edit

Yes, it works this way. I'm still surprised though, why middle names are not shown anywhere, not even abbreviated to first letters.

al_exquemelin ( 2016-09-11 12:46:19 +0300 )edit