How to set length of screen unlocking pin (tablet)?

asked 2017-05-09 13:02:07 +0300

Moo-Crumpus gravatar image

updated 2017-05-10 11:32:06 +0300

Anybody here who knows how I could set the unlock pin's length to four digits? I don't want different pins for the phone and the tablet.

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Geez, from the title I thought you wanted to cut the metal pin that is used to unlock SIM trays in unibody phones.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2017-05-09 13:25:40 +0300 )edit

Giggle. No. It is about the digits one has to type to unlock the screen.

Moo-Crumpus ( 2017-05-10 11:31:35 +0300 )edit