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HowTo: Ambiences

asked 2014-01-18 14:40:25 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2014-12-28 17:35:04 +0200

rdmo gravatar image

… to give everyone a chance to become a member of the Holy Orders (see https://together.jolla.com/question/11050/ambience-something-for-esoterics/) …

How to create and configure Ambiences

Although I still believe, that the concept of creating and configuring Ambiences needs an extensive rework, I want to share my knowledge about it in this How-to. Correct me, where I am wrong; add, where I have missed something. For better overview, I will subdivide this into several answers.

Recommended reading sequence

It is intended to be read in the following sequence (unfortunately, the sequence of the answers changes dynamically):

Add ons

Note, this HowTo runs over multiple web pages. Observe the "next"/"previous" buttons.

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please convert to wiki

chemist ( 2014-01-18 14:59:23 +0200 )edit

Yes I agree, this is definately a WiKi and not question where correct answer is sought for (they all are). Also, when editing this Question and Answers please use the 'minor edit' check-box to not create lot of traffic to ppls inboxes. Thanks.

foss4ever ( 2014-01-18 22:39:13 +0200 )edit

@chemist, @jjaone, @Sailor: I do not agree that this should be converted to a wiki (and I am very much disappointed that you did convert it).

First: it is an implicit request to Jolla to include the information in the official user documentation -- not all sailors are a member and/or search this forum and can read English.

Second, and probably more important: If you down swipe (from upper edge) the karma system, I do not mind whether this is a community wiki. But as long as the karma system is there, good HowTos as questions are one option for sailors to get the required karma points -- in particularly since it is much more difficult now to gather the karma points than it was in the beginning of this forum (most questions are closed quickly because they are duplicates [most real questions have been asked already], to find new bugs is difficult [most of the more obvious ones have been found] etc. pp.). For you (and me), karma does not matter any longer (we have jumped the 500 points barrier quite some time ago), but 3/4 of the members of this forum are not yet even allowed to edit community wikis (and their number will rise)! By converting this wiki (and possibly similar ones) you created a leading case -- and this I wanted to avoid.

Please note: Community wikis do not earn karma points for the author. A good HowTo may take hours to create (it did me, creating this one). It is not sensible to simply swipe away the rewards, the author may get for his/her work!

PS: I tried to use "minor edits" but may have forgotten this occasionally. Vote: https://together.jolla.com/question/16206/together-mark-comment-edits-as-minor-by-default/

jgr ( 2014-01-19 13:11:03 +0200 )edit

@jgr I didn't convert this to Wiki, but considering it's a how-to type of article it fits well to be a community page to which everyone can easily contribute. Along the same notion I just changed one of my questions to wiki (where the question description now is essentially just an index to answers that provide the content, like in yours). But, I think in these cases it is ok to leave the Answes as normal and just make the "heading" as wiki. This way votes for Answers still influence karma (like in this question you should still get karma from votes to your Answers).
See a similar example here: How-to name Jolla UX elements

foss4ever ( 2014-01-20 12:23:22 +0200 )edit

@jgr Could you please use the "minor edit" check-box when editing the Answers, thanks ;)

foss4ever ( 2014-01-21 16:44:32 +0200 )edit

13 Answers

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answered 2014-02-13 16:04:49 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2014-02-13 16:34:25 +0200

jgr gravatar image

Silence down the Jolla handset completely (theater mode)

If you want to get a completely silenced Jolla, you have to:

  • Activate a self-created Ambience (from a picture of your own) with all notification sounds set to "No sound" and volume slider minimized (call it e.g. "Silencio Ambience").
  • Select "Silence sounds" from lock screen pulley menu.


Current situation (Sailfish, as far as it could be worked out):

  • Switching off all notification sounds using the option "No sound" and setting the Ambience volume slider to minimum does not switch off all system sounds (e.g. pulley menu, Camera shutter, possibly low battery warning etc.).
  • Selecting "Silence sounds" from the pulley menu switches off all notifications and system sounds but does not silence the clock alarm.


Until confirmed by Jolla, we cannot be sure that there will not be any sound left that still can go off, even you have the settings as above.

This problem has been turned out after a lengthy discussion on https://together.jolla.com/question/27016/silent-ambiance/#comment-27503.

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is this confirmed yet? in addition to the above steps, I do - Set the volume to minimum using the hardware key, - Stop android services, and - Set vibration to 'Never' from settings>system>sounds

So can all this be somehow done in a single step?

User ( 2015-08-01 23:46:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-03-20 23:45:48 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2014-03-20 23:56:36 +0200

jgr gravatar image

How to copy music files to the system ringtone directory

If you want a sound file (mp3) of your own to appear in the ringtone list of Sailfish OS (system settings and Ambience), you have to copy that file to the system ringtone directory. The file does not have to have mp3 tags set. (Alternatively you can choose a ringtone from your music files, see the notes in answer Changing the settings of an Ambience.)


  1. Make sure, the sound file (e.g. jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3) is already on your Jolla, e.g. because you downloaded it, received it via e-mail or by copying it via USB from your PC to the Jolla handset (from a Windows PC e.g. to directory "Computer\Sailfish\Phone Memory\Downloads"; downloads from internet and the attachments of an e-mail received directly on your Jolla would be stored in a subdirectory of this one).
  2. Go to |- Settings | System Settings | Developer Mode -|.
  3. Activate „Developer mode“. (Because your Jolla device can access the Jolla apps shop, a Terminal app is installed now.)
  4. Activate „Remote connection” (either enter and [Save] a password or [Generate] it; if you generate it, you have to edit it slightly before the [Save] button becomes available). (Note: You need administrator rights following, because the system sound directory is write protected otherwise.)
  5. Open the Terminal app installed during step 2.
  6. Get administrator rights (and be very cautious what you do thereafter -- when doing it wrong you may break your Jolla!): Enter devel-su.
  7. On the password request, enter your password specified during step 4. (The last character of the prompt changes from "$" to "#".)
  8. Move to the directory with the sound file, e.g. in my case (observe the uppercase "D", you are talking Linux where upper/lower case matters; note that what you see on your PC starts below /home/nemo/): cd /home/nemo/Downloads/mail_attachments/80-2
  9. Make sure, you are in the right directory, get a directory listing: dir
  10. Copy the sound file: cp jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3 /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/
  11. Check that the file arrived at destination: dir /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/
  12. Exit administrator mode: exit.

    image description

  13. Exit Terminal: exit.
  14. Go to |- Settings | System Settings | Developer Mode -| and deactivate "Remote connection".
    You need remote connections activated to get administrator rights. But you should not leave open remote access to your Jolla handset unnecessarily. Therefore deactivate this always when done.

This procedure was first published as comment to Jolla sounds not well-engineered as notification sounds. Unfortunately, comments are not easily linkable, hence the republishing here.

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I am a rookie one ;) How about when i want to delete ringtone from /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/? Should it be like: delete jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3 /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/ ?

Teneo ( 2014-03-22 18:29:31 +0200 )edit

@Teneo - to delete/remove a file you would use the rm command (rm=remove);, so it would look like this;

rm jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3

but sometimes the files are protected by the system, you may need to add -rf (-rf=remove by force)

rm -rf jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3
Spam Hunter ( 2014-03-25 15:58:55 +0200 )edit

@Teneo: You mix up the structure of the copy with the delete command.

  • Copy: cp source-file destination(-file or -directory)
    Source-file and destination-file have to include the path, if the corresponding directory is not your current one, i.e. /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3 or /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/ or . (. = current directory)
  • Delete: rm file-name
    File-name has to include the path, if the corresponding directory is not your current one, i.e. /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/jolla-ringtone-rev.mp3

I suggest that you for a linux command reference on the internet.

jgr ( 2014-03-25 16:17:44 +0200 )edit

This is also working with OGG and WAV files.

TellienInTouch ( 2014-04-01 13:28:45 +0200 )edit

What is the maximum duration for ringtone and notification sound?

DarkWhite ( 2014-11-05 21:20:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-30 16:10:46 +0200

EanderAlx gravatar image

updated 2014-12-30 16:11:25 +0200

Under /usr/share/ambience/ you find the orginal jolla ambience.

I've simply copied one folder, renamed and edited the .ambience file and replaced the wallpaper. After reboot the ambience is available. So you have all in one colors, sounds, wallpaper.

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Asked: 2014-01-18 14:40:25 +0200

Seen: 23,489 times

Last updated: Dec 30 '14