Automated Sailfish X build

asked 2017-10-05 17:24:14 +0300

Vermut gravatar image

In case you are lazy to manually copy paste instructions from I created a Vagrant build which does it for you.

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Good Idea, but i didn' t got in running.

Ubuntu 16.04

Installed virtualbox and vagrant but can't start it with vagrant up

sudo git clone Cloning into 'Sailfish-X-Build'... remote: Counting objects: 20, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Total 20 (delta 4), reused 19 (delta 3), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (20/20), done. Checking connectivity... done.

cd Sailfish-X-Build/ ExPLIT@PC3129:~/Downloads/Sailfish-X-Build$ vagrant up Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The directory Vagrant will use to store local environment-specific state is not accessible. The directory specified as the local data directory must be both readable and writable for the user that is running Vagrant.

Local data directory: /home/explit/Downloads/Sailfish-X-Build/.vagrant ExPLIT@PC3129:~/Downloads/Sailfish-X-Build$ vagrant init Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The directory Vagrant will use to store local environment-specific state is not accessible. The directory specified as the local data directory must be both readable and writable for the user that is running Vagrant.

Local data directory: /home/explit/Downloads/Sailfish-X-Build/.vagrant

Maybe you can add more precise manual (eg. which packages are needed and which commands should be entered before the command vagrant up)


ExPLIT ( 2017-10-05 18:37:03 +0300 )edit

I'd say this is unrelated to my code. Seems like vagrant is missing some privileges, or installed as wrong user, or you have /home mounted in some crazy way. To test it try to bring up vanilla ubuntu (

mkdir ~/Downloads/ubuntu_test
cd ~/Downloads/ubuntu_test
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant up
Vermut ( 2017-10-05 18:53:43 +0300 )edit