Which folders should I exclude on an RSync backup from Xperia?

asked 2017-10-14 18:17:15 +0300

toner_cloud gravatar image

Having accidentally deleted a file from my Jolla 1, I don't want to repeat the exercise on the Xperia and as the Jolla backup routine doesn't copy everything, I'm writing a script to sshfs mount the phone to a local folder and perform the rsync to a NAS drive.

I normally exclude /dev/ and /proc but my question here concerns the /opt/alien folder. Can I exclude all of that or are there some folders that ought to be in a backup?

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Hello. I can't answer you question, but maybe you could post your script somewher, so other people can also use it? Full Backups would be really nice.

ExPLIT ( 2017-10-14 19:10:31 +0300 )edit

Apologies for not replying sooner!

Here's my rsync script. I have a folder on the SD Card called Jolla_Backup and then try rsync'ing into that.

   rsync -arvzh --progress --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found/*","/var/tmp/*","/root/","home/lost+found/*","/home/.android","/opt/alien/media/sdcard/56BC-AE8D/*","/opt/alien/proc/*","/opt/alien/sys/*"} /* /media/sdcard/56BC-AE8D/Jolla_Backup/Xperia_$(date '+%d-%b-%Y')

Two major problems with this is that the count of the images in Gallery increases and I think it's that which causes the rsync to stall. Even I delete the tracker files in /home/nemo/.cache/tracker, the number of files and their thumbnails in the Gallery view increases. The count is currently at 2310 whereas there are only around 70 actual pictures.

toner_cloud ( 2018-06-03 18:14:47 +0300 )edit