Kiiminkijoki doesn't import People/Contacts with an avatar picture in the vcf file

asked 2017-10-18 16:23:34 +0300

jollauser259 gravatar image

When importing People/Contacts I noticed that when a contact file contains an avatar picture that particular contact won't be imported.

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This could also be a problem on syncing with e.g. carddav (e.g. owncloud) service. I was wondering where some of my contacts have gone. All of the missing have avatar pictures.

naytsyrhc ( 2017-10-18 17:54:46 +0300 )edit

Maybe it's an overall import problem. My case is specific for importing contacts using vcf files.

jollauser259 ( 2017-10-19 10:13:27 +0300 )edit

Does this problem occur for older versions when imported from 2.1.1? I'm considering a hardware reset.

articice ( 2017-10-20 12:10:42 +0300 )edit

I came from Iijoki which is version 2.1.0.

jollauser259 ( 2017-10-20 14:57:56 +0300 )edit