[Sailfish X] Missing kernel notification if AP WLAN turned off

asked 2017-11-08 14:14:54 +0300

Nekron gravatar image

updated 2017-11-08 14:16:11 +0300

I just noticed an always repeatable WLAN bug on Xperia X SFOS 2.1.3.x.

1. Initial status
- device is connected to access point (Fritzbox 7590)
- WLAN and mobile data activated

2. Steps done to repeat failure
- device went into suspend mode and stays at the same place
- access point WLAN is turned off suddenly (e.g. plug pulled, disabled by access point switch, scheduled ...)

3. Expected behaviour
- Conman should be notified by kernel that AP signal has been lost and thus initiate mobile connection

4. Actual behaviour and observations
- if woken up from suspended mode (even hours later) the os shows that WLAN is still connected. Console "iw dev wlan0 link" also shows a linked access point
- due to stalled ip connection and repeated retries battery level will fall more that 30 - 40% overnight (only IMAP push and XMPP running, no alien dalvic threads running)
- if the device will be moved on my way to work the missing WLAN connection will be notified possibly because of radio interrupts
- if device is unsuspended (active) for a few minutes kernel will be notified by driver and conman switches to mobile data

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In case development needs some logfiles from e.g. broadcom kernel driver please let me know how to enable logging (some sysfs parameter for loglevel needs to be changed, but I am unsure where to find them /sys/?).

Nekron ( 2017-11-09 14:01:19 +0300 )edit

Thanks for the report.

jovirkku ( 2017-11-09 14:16:48 +0300 )edit