app page in landscape mode, icons stuck together..
..and the icon text get stuck behind. Phone Xperia X
edit: same situation on my old Jolla 1 so its not hardware related.
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..and the icon text get stuck behind. Phone Xperia X
edit: same situation on my old Jolla 1 so its not hardware related.
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Asked: 2018-11-01 17:22:08 +0200
Seen: 219 times
Last updated: Nov 02 '18
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I noticed the grid density in landscape mode changed on the tablet (now there are more icons on one page), maybe this is an unintended side effect of that. I hadn't noticed it yet on the phone, but I can reproduce the bug.
nthn ( 2018-11-01 18:45:06 +0200 )editArguably, the phone was not designed to use landscape by default in some situations, the launcher and other components only rotate if an edit or a patch has been applied to do so. Without editing or using patches, the Launcher/Homescreen does not rotate. So it is my belief that this particular outcome is not a fault, it just isn't meant to be, not until homescreen/launcher is made to be rotatable either by default or by option.
Spam Hunter ( 2018-11-03 12:46:32 +0200 )editThe same issue for me. @Edz, I don't have any patch about rotate screen applied, but I have this issue when I'm using an app in landscape mode and access to app page
carmenfdezb ( 2018-11-04 12:12:59 +0200 )editOh, okay @carmenfdezb, seems I am wrong, I must stop making guesses!, I'll check it out, thanks. :)
Spam Hunter ( 2018-11-04 12:16:21 +0200 )editDon't worry @Edz, I thought the same way that you did. Thanks for your help!
carmenfdezb ( 2018-11-04 12:49:41 +0200 )edit