Top menu shortcuts on locked device lead to settings-page

asked 2018-11-23 17:02:25 +0200

MrHundert gravatar image

updated 2018-12-02 14:30:37 +0200

pawel gravatar image

System: Jolla1 -

Steps to reproduce:
1. Device is locked (with PIN-Code, not only Standby)
2. Top menu is opened
3. Tap on one of the settings-toggles

Expected behaviour - at least for me - is one of those two:
1. Toggle the tapped setting
2. Deny the setting for security reasons => Do nothing and inform me about the reasons (in an ideal world ;-)

Shown behaviour:
The phone switches to num-pad for unlocking and then proceeds to the settings-page of the corresponding switch e.g. going into WIFI-settings-page if you tried to toggle WIFI.
So the simple tap is translated to a long-tap plus "go to settings".

As this is very inconsistent with the unlocked behaviour of the top menu im calling this out as a bug. If this is intended i think its poorly designed. Maybe just grey out those settings which aren't or shouldn't be available when device is locked.

The thing is double-crazy if you think about this:

If this is too close to this question:
please close it.

But i am pointing out that in both cases - shortcuts available when locked or not - the behaviour now is totally unexpected and not consistent.

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Same here. Mildly annoying.

Kopekenscheich ( 2018-11-24 07:13:59 +0200 )edit

Very annoying for me either, but the ideal behavior for me is to get top menu opened after unlocking – assuming that I'm using it either.

AliN ( 2018-11-24 12:52:52 +0200 )edit

yes, yes, yes. it should not show buttons, that do not work untill you unlock your phone. they should be at least disabled.

it seems that only switching the ambiance has an actuall effect.

pawel ( 2018-12-02 14:32:37 +0200 )edit