Add QR code reader functionality in basic apps or as a separate app
QR (and/or barcode) reader is a must on a phone (at least for me). I use it daily to open links from my PC on my other devices. Would be nice to have this kind of application from Jolla in the base package of applications.
If it would be a separate application minimal functionality would be:
- Use camera to point to code.
- Recognize the code.
- Give user ability to copy text read from the code to clipboard.
- Optionally - if the text looks like an URL (strarts with
) there should be an option to open it in the default browser.
Ideas for integration (suggested in comments):
- Add third mode to the camera (current are photos and films, and new one would be for - codes). After reading the code simply open some dialog with buttons and recognized text.
- Integrate with the browser - in all inputs of type "url" (or just the address input) - add a button to open the reader (and insert value directly to the input after reading the code).
But integration is a separate thing, original idea/question was about a separate application. Maybe if there would be some component in the system that could be used as a reader then integrating it to various apps would be easy.
BTW there is a Zxing library which has implementation in C++ and can be used for the recognition of codes.
native plz
AL13N ( 2013-12-26 02:08:45 +0300 )editI would like to have pulley menu option for QR in camera app, since camera is what you use for it anyway.
huuhaa ( 2013-12-26 03:54:13 +0300 )editAnd/Or in the browser (or even as a button in the keyboard in all URL inputs) to scan for QR codes that in many cases have an URL in them.
Nux ( 2013-12-26 04:22:57 +0300 )editWould be helpful to also make the QR reader available for Android runtime as e.g. I'd need this for authentication of secure contacts in Threema (
Manankanchu ( 2013-12-26 16:19:48 +0300 )editthink that this question will nicely extend discussion here. MartinK brainstorms possible solution in his question which might be a key for integrating Qr-reader into UI.
Cool! Please, put pressure on this Silica issue! Vote, vote and vote ;-)
LaruX ( 2013-12-26 23:59:40 +0300 )edit