creation of Jolla account leads to segmentation fault

asked 2020-04-29 19:34:37 +0300

Olsen gravatar image

I updated my J1 to yesterday. The update didn't really succeed. When the phone booted, after showing the Jolla logo for ~15 seconds the display turned off completely. I was able to shut it down with a long press of the power button and boot it again -> same result.

Luckily a login through SSH / USB was possible. With help from Bricked my XA2 plus after update I was able to bring the phone back to (GUI) life.

But now my J1 tells me I have to update my Jolla account. When I try to, the settings app crashes after I enter my password. Command line shows a segmentation fault:

nemo@Sailfish:~> devel-su -p jolla-settings
Enjoy your privileges.
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
[D] unknown:0 - Starting favorites query at 621 ms
[D] unknown:0 - Favorites queried in 667 ms
[D] unknown:0 - Starting metadata query at 714 ms
[D] unknown:0 - All queried in 794 ms
[D] unknown:0 - Starting online  query at 794 ms
[D] unknown:0 - Online queried in 811 ms
[W] unknown:0 - void JollaAccountProvider::registerApplication(const QString&, const QString&) TODO! re-use existing application keys.
Segmentation fault

I also noticed the phone cannot sync emails anymore, so I deleted the account from my phone and tried to reenter it but again the settings app crashed.

What can I do to fix this problem?

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Even deleting the accounts and sign on databases does not help; the settings app still crashes when trying to create a Jolla account. ;-(

Olsen ( 2020-05-01 00:10:08 +0300 )edit