Email: sort by sender showing two times alphabet list, wrong chronological order and time/date [released]
I have one IMAP mail account.
When sorting INBOX by sender the view contains two times the alphabet list. At the mittle of the list it starts again with "A" down to "Z". I don't really understand which mail is sorted in which group.
And when sorting by sender please show newest mails from same sender first instead of the oldest one.
Also chronological order is wrong and the displayed time if younger than a week (see comments).
Still in
Yep I managed to reproduce this @axaq thanks for reporting this bug, now it's in our bugzilla.
stezz ( 2014-02-03 20:03:07 +0300 )editAlso, when sorted by sender, the messages from one sender aren't (necessarily) in chronological order. Here I have mails sorted by sender, and these three are from the same sender and same address:
(This is with an Exchange account. It's not just this single case, I see the same with all senders.)
ssahla ( 2014-03-26 22:13:47 +0300 )edit@ssahla: Not only second sorting order (time) seems random.
If the send time is younger than 1 week only the time (hour:minutes) is shown and not the date. In default sorting by time as first sorting order the mails are grouped by weekdays and than showing only the time is ok. But showing only the time without grouping in sort by sender makes no sense.
axaq ( 2014-06-14 18:41:02 +0300 )edit@stezz: Any news on this confirmed bug? I thought this would be a rather low hanging fruit to get fixed in one of the next updates but is still in
axaq ( 2014-10-03 22:02:04 +0300 )edit@axaq - this is fixed already internally will come in the next SW updates.
VDVsx ( 2014-10-06 08:24:35 +0300 )edit