Wiki: How to enable agenda view in Jolla calendar
asked 2014-07-15 19:05:47 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Note: Agenda view seems fully functional. For all we know it has been disabled on purpose, eg. there may be bugs.
You can use text editors such as TinyEdit
, vim
or nano
to edit qml files. Instructions how to use TinyEdit can be found here.
Enable agenda view
As devel-su
you can enable agenda view by uncommenting following part in
/* Disabled for now
MenuItem {
//% "Show agenda"
text: qsTrId("calendar-me-show_agenda")
onClicked: pageStack.push("AgendaPage.qml", {date:})
To uncomment the code remove the two lines with /*
and */
Restart the calendar if it was already running. After this you can select the agenda view from the pulley of the calendar monthly view.
Current day fix
Here is Nieldk's fix to the bug where agenda view incorrectly defaults to any selected day in monthly view. This is a problem because you cannot scroll further back than the selected day in agenda view.
In above code, change
onClicked: pageStack.push("AgendaPage.qml", {date:})
onClicked: pageStack.push("AgendaPage.qml", {date: = new Date()})
Then it will always show the schedule from current date. (Except when the day changes in real time. See known bugs in the end of this article.)
Range of days shown in agenda view
By default agenda page shows events of next seven days. You can increase the range of days in
model: AgendaModel {
endDate: QtDate.addDays(root.Date, 7)
Change number 7 to whatever you like.
Known bugs
- If you leave the agenda view open, it does not automatically update to a next day when the day changes.
May seem stupid, but: How do I open the MonthPage.qml file? What app do I need to edit it as devel-su? Tried TinyEdit but could not save file...
dmelamet ( 2014-07-16 21:07:27 +0200 )editNano or Vim text editors.
Nano is easier, but breaks line endings very easily. With nano you have to remember to check every line you have touched that the line endings have not cut the lines in half.
Vim is generally trickier to use if you come from Windows as you can play havoc on contents just by accidentally pressing buttons before going to edit mode (for instance 'dd' deletes whole line in command mode). Google "vim cheat sheet" for instructions how to use it.
Short briefing: Go to edit mode by pressing 'i'. Do the edits. 'Esc' to get out of edit mode and to command mode again, and then ':wq'. If you are afraid you messed the file, type ':q!' and start again.
Remember to take backup of the original file first...
pkcon install vim-enhanced
pkcon install nano
cd /usr/share/jolla-calendar/pages/
cp MonthPage.qml MonthPage.qml.backup
vim MonthPage.qml
nano MonthPage.qml
And do and save the edits.
Manatus ( 2014-07-17 00:04:16 +0200 )editThank you for this little hack. I may have found a bug:
I have a contact with a birthday coming up. The birthday is tomorrow but the agenda view shows it as "Today". (I made the changes to both the "MonthPage.qml" and "AgendaPage.qml" files.)
For your information. :)
drcouzelis ( 2014-08-13 20:13:26 +0200 )editThanks. I tested birthdays now. I set a birthday for one contact for tomorrow but it shows correctly under 'Tomorrow' headline in agenda view for me. The issue may depend on some other condition too.
Manatus ( 2014-08-14 08:30:47 +0200 )editThank you very much for agenda to have a quick overview about the next days events. It works very well. One question: The daylabels in agenda are today, tomorrow, twice weekday-name and then only date. Is it possible to display weekday-name and date?
silta ( 2014-09-25 20:48:00 +0200 )edit