New Cover.Status needed: Peeking

asked 2014-08-10 12:30:37 +0300

Naranek gravatar image

updated 2014-08-10 12:36:03 +0300

chemist gravatar image

The current Cover statuses are Inactive, Activating, Active, Deactivating. I'm using timers in my cover and I'd like to disable them when the cover isn't shown, but enable them when the cover is visible (running apps grid visible or user is peeking). Now I have only two options:

  • run the timers constantly, which drains the battery
  • run them only when cover.status = Active, which makes the information wrong when user is peeking

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Or, instead of adding a new cover status, just make sure that Cover.status == Active when the user is peeking, so that it works for all old apps too.

00prometheus ( 2014-08-10 13:12:09 +0300 )edit