[bug] btrfs formatted sdcard not accessible from MTP [released]
Recognized it a few days back and today @Juuba asked me about it and confirmed that the SDcard gets exported on windows (Win7 Enterprise) but is ro
or empty, the same (ro
& empty) is for linux (Debian Jessie mtp-tools 1.1.6-51).
While writing this, jubba tried around and after copying files via scp
, folders show and he can actually write to the btrfs-sdcard exported via MTP
to his win7e box. The btrfs-subvolume was empty before. UPDATE After an attempt to add a folder it stopped working again.
I cannot say that this is the same for linux, my sdcard is packed but a no-show with MTP after all.
There is an issue with having no subvolumes and with having subvolumes (I have 2 subvolumes both mounted, jubba did have no subvolumes iirc).
Yes, for a moment the windows7 could see the items on the SD Card over
. I also could create a folder called "New Folder" on the SD card with windows Explorer. After a moment the connection was lost/reset somehow, and I could not copy anything anymore.Screenshot here: http://i.imgur.com/hgIyjDz.png you can see the "New Folder" in there.
After that I connected over
Juuba ( 2014-08-21 12:11:18 +0300 )editSCP
again, and I cannot see the "New Folder" there currently.Just reproduced: After copying some more files, I re-connected Jolla with "PC connection" to my Windows 7. I can again see the "SD Card" and copy music on it. Also re-created "New Folder".
This time the folder could be seen afterwards when looking at the contents over
Juuba ( 2014-08-21 12:44:23 +0300 )editscp
Linux says
chemist ( 2014-08-21 19:32:59 +0300 )editlibmtp cannot send object info
and the trick with creating a folder via scp later showing in MTP does not work.seems fixed in 1.1.4 so closing this ahead of release, if you still run into trouble, re-open please.
chemist ( 2015-04-21 14:08:27 +0300 )edit