media player doesn't sort certain artists alphabetically

asked 2014-11-19 15:40:35 +0300

sillycrimes gravatar image

I've started to fill my SD card with music files and I've noticed that a certain artist, they're called jj or JJ, will not be sorted properly. They will be displayed at the bottom of the list even though I have lots of other artists that are sorted properly. jj, or JJ, is even sorted after artists whose names start with X or Y. I've removed any tags that would mess with sort order and the files are sorted properly on other devices and I've downloaded the Shuttle+ Android player and it sorts properly (but won't recognise some other artists names, but that's another issue). QuasarMx doesn't display the files properly either.

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This is still the case as of the last update. Now the the artist "of Montreal" is either sorted first or last. Any ideas to try?

sillycrimes ( 2014-12-23 02:45:37 +0300 )edit