Can graphical scaling be made configurable to enable precise measurement? (mm/px/pt/in/etc)

asked 2014-12-27 23:35:23 +0200

rdmo gravatar image

updated 2015-03-27 22:19:44 +0200

This W3C page (screenshot, from a Jolla device, below) is dismissive of the value, in certain cases, of unifying length measurements.

The Jolla phone would set itself apart if it enabled a browser configuration option to honour scaling of measurements given in CSS where a cm on screen was exactly that. The screen dimensions and pixel-to-length-units on display are not accurate.

The option would be off by default because the setting would change the way some HTML/CSS displays - but much content would be unaffected. The advantage of turning the option on is that it lets me create local web pages on the device that fit my needs. I can emulate pulley menu behaviour in the browser. It would possibly also become easier to add in a scale display during zoom actions, using the user-configured scale (cm, in, %, px, etc).

This may not do much of use on a projector screen image, but on a Jolla screen, whose dimensions are known, it could be helpful.

An image of some scaling information from thecW3C

Sites for which this question may be significant, to display content as (presumably) intended:

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interesting, regarding that 1 inch / 2.54 cm example below it is displayed on my jolla as 1.5 cm. Together app webview shows it as 1 cm. both quite far off.

(on a win8.1 machine with chrome, 1920x1080 on 24" it's very accurate)

nightmare ( 2015-01-11 11:19:52 +0200 )edit