What's actual the best way for android-app sdcard access?
asked 2015-01-04 00:07:34 +0300
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using a phone, I want to give my osmand (Android App) access to ext. sdcard because I've stored tons of maps on the card. Too much for the internal phone memory.
I found (also here in the forum) some hints, how to solve this. e.g.:
I seems to be an often asked topic, therefore here are some duplicates. Most of them are older than a half year. I often read 'warning', 'deprecated' and so on. I don't want screw up my new phone, just want to get osmand reading/writing the sdcard. In meantime, has the Jolla-team build in a 'official' way to access to sdcard? If not, why? (in osmand-settings I can give a path (/media/sdcard/3906-1CE8/osmand/), but in my case osmand says 'no access'.)
If there is no 'offical' way for android apps to write to sdcard, what actually the easiest an for Sailfish fool proof way to make it work?