Mobile Data: Can't manually set APN (Vaarainjärvi)

asked 2015-02-09 10:50:46 +0200

STiAT gravatar image

This happens if you do a fresh install of SailfishOS only. If you set the APN in previews version, you have the "grey-out" bug, but still do have the UI options.

Problem description: In the "Mobile data" section, I have no option to manually set the APN, the "Mobile data" section starts with "Data roaming" missing the menu item where you can manually set the APN settings via long-pressing. Since SailfishOS still does not recognize most APN settings automatically (mine included) that's a huge problem.

How to reproduce? Factory reset the Jolla phone, enter a WLAN. Do NOT configure your APN settings, and do the system update to Vaarainjärvi.

Result: You're left with the following, without any possibility to change your APN settings. Back the days you could long-press mobile data settings, and edit the APN, but as you can see, that section is missing now: Mobile data config UI

Expected result: A section where I can set my APN in the "Mobile data" section.

Workaround: Factory reset the device, configure the APN and do the update afterwards at least the mobile data pre-configured works in Vaarainjärvi, since the settings are saved from the previews version.

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Even with APN set, I lose my mobile data connection sometimes and then the "Mobile data" option in settings is greyed out. No way to enable/diable it or to change the APN. What helps is a network reset under "Settings/System/Utilities". A serious annoying bug which needs to get corrected!

Stefanix ( 2015-02-09 14:00:53 +0200 )edit

@Stefanix That's the greyed-out bug, and I'm not sure the two are connected, that's why I decided to create this bug report too (maybe they're connected due to the same widget being affected, but I'm not sure, and it's certainly a different behaviour).

It indeed is annoying, I hope that the guys at Jolla get around fixing it. The grey-out bug I get when I get switched between WLAN and 3G, interestingly I never experienced that switching between 2G/3G as other users reported.

STiAT ( 2015-02-09 14:08:29 +0200 )edit