Mobile Data: Can't manually set APN (Vaarainjärvi)
This happens if you do a fresh install of SailfishOS only. If you set the APN in previews version, you have the "grey-out" bug, but still do have the UI options.
Problem description: In the "Mobile data" section, I have no option to manually set the APN, the "Mobile data" section starts with "Data roaming" missing the menu item where you can manually set the APN settings via long-pressing. Since SailfishOS still does not recognize most APN settings automatically (mine included) that's a huge problem.
How to reproduce? Factory reset the Jolla phone, enter a WLAN. Do NOT configure your APN settings, and do the system update to Vaarainjärvi.
You're left with the following, without any possibility to change your APN settings. Back the days you could long-press mobile data settings, and edit the APN, but as you can see, that section is missing now:
Expected result: A section where I can set my APN in the "Mobile data" section.
Workaround: Factory reset the device, configure the APN and do the update afterwards at least the mobile data pre-configured works in Vaarainjärvi, since the settings are saved from the previews version.
Even with APN set, I lose my mobile data connection sometimes and then the "Mobile data" option in settings is greyed out. No way to enable/diable it or to change the APN. What helps is a network reset under "Settings/System/Utilities". A serious annoying bug which needs to get corrected!
Stefanix ( 2015-02-09 14:00:53 +0200 )edit@Stefanix That's the greyed-out bug, and I'm not sure the two are connected, that's why I decided to create this bug report too (maybe they're connected due to the same widget being affected, but I'm not sure, and it's certainly a different behaviour).
It indeed is annoying, I hope that the guys at Jolla get around fixing it. The grey-out bug I get when I get switched between WLAN and 3G, interestingly I never experienced that switching between 2G/3G as other users reported.
STiAT ( 2015-02-09 14:08:29 +0200 )edit