2015-09-03 08:25:59 +0300
On SFOS 2.0 we will be able to pull up the application-screen at anytime, indicated by a small white pull-indicator, which is there in both home-screens (notifications and multitasking view) and fades away when an app is in foreground). I can think of following two possibilities:
Option in settings to display first row of apps all the time (so in both home-screens)
Longpress (>=1.00 second) on the lower part of the screen (where the white pull-indicator is) will make the first row pop up - similar to how it works on MeeGo Harmattan. This could be done in both home screens.
There should be space for that, especially since 2.0 is build to be much more dynamic and multitasking windows could move a bit up / get smaller whenever the app row pops up (seems to happen already now when you pull up application-view and small notification icons appear on left side). App names shouldn't be showed (like in current versions of SFOS) which would save some space.
When those apps appear, it could be still possible to pull them up all the way if needed.
This might conflict with the already implemented way of pulling up the app view...but I'm sure solutions can be found ;-)
I think the new buttonless homescreen is way better. Shortcut buttons just take space, I'd rather see more and bigger app covers. Looks cleaner and more beautiful. And follows the sailfish way -gestures, no buttons.
jii ( 2015-03-03 22:39:59 +0300 )editThey are breaking every damn thing UI/UX wise in SFOS 2.0. Which is plain stupid. It would be fine to do if SFOS 1.x wasn't doing the job but that is not the case here. SFOS 1.x needed minor polishing to excel and they decided to redesign all the stuff that were good while introducing stuff that add clutter. TBH i'd like to see the design team -or whoever got the decision- explain the reasoning behind all this but i doubt this will happen.
At leas i hope they (or jakko) will read the posts on the design in TJC.
ApB ( 2015-03-03 23:30:45 +0300 )editEspecially on the phone it is the central thing to be able to phone. I dont want to swipe first before able to do a call.
NuklearFart ( 2015-03-13 21:42:01 +0300 )editWhen you can launch an app from inside any app, no need to have favorites. You can put your favorites on the topmost row which is shown when no app is open.
AliN ( 2015-06-12 12:00:59 +0300 )edit@AliNa the fav bar is not gone, in videos you see it being pulled in by tapping the home screen. For your other comment, NO, topmost row is the least usable and your suggestion makes the current favbar obsolete too, it is only visible on home-screen... if rumours are right, we will be able to pick the swipe actions our own, and I for one will not have the app-launcher on global swipe up!
chemist ( 2015-06-12 14:05:56 +0300 )edit