[Bug] After Ambience settings seems 'lost'

asked 2015-03-09 22:25:28 +0200

gordon_pcb_designer gravatar image

updated 2015-03-09 22:40:26 +0200

I've 5 Ambience flagged as preferred, with dedicated sounds for ringtone and alarm clock. Starting the phone after a shut down or a reboot, all Ambiences shows 'no sounds' label on both ringtone and alarm clock setting even if they correctly works.20150309212429.jpg

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I can confirm the bug. I loose all self created ambiences too after reboot. I've created the ambiences from my taken photos. Is there known any bugfix or workaround?

di_fun ( 2015-03-16 16:12:25 +0200 )edit

I confirm this bug. Pointers to music files are lost as are those tones (in my case ringtone and chat-tones) which turn silent.

ThGut ( 2017-12-28 23:24:07 +0200 )edit

It's the usual drill after every OS update: set up ambiences again. But with update to 3.2.1 ringtones remaining as previously set ... but settings are no longer shown.

fortify ( 2020-01-21 10:40:18 +0200 )edit