Long-term request: Better Support/Care for Jolla

asked 2015-03-18 17:15:30 +0300

MikErk gravatar image

Hello everyone,

some of you might already had the need to contact jolla care via zendesk for some support or store/order stuff. The Support itself is relatively fast and good in my opinion. Yet for a telecommunication company which wants to grow, especially also for business people, I really find it annoying to just have the possibility to go over e-mail and zendesk. I really would enjoy to have something more personal like a phone number (call center) or a livechat, especially when it is only a minor thing to ask or f.e. cancelling an order in the store.

I know that is request isn't realistic for the moment for a starting company but on the long-term I really would enjoy this more personal approach. I think, this enhances the customer care and reputation of the company by a lot.

Cheers Mika

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