Could the Gallery show saved, annotation-friendly web content snapshots?

asked 2015-03-31 20:52:17 +0300

rdmo gravatar image

updated 2015-04-21 09:24:39 +0300

The Gallery has Video, Images (Photos) and Ambience but could fit one more (in landscape orientation). Webpages could fit in that view too, so users without the File manager installed can preview their saved web pages instead of the text-only Fingerterm. Is there a way for users to set up custom galleries in this way, too/instead?

The reason I consider web content/web fragments may be suitable for Gallery is that such content is usually only valid as an historical snapshot (2 dates for the same URL tend to give different content), as scrapbook cuttings with a timeline, comments, and context (tags).

Were content display for addresses prepended with view-source: editable, then user-annotated browsed content snapshots would be possible such that the annotations could be stored in HTML, CSS, or script comments, or script variables, to be made visible according to the annotator's needs. This question is not divided as Gallery-savable and annotation-readiness requests because they really don't achieve much on their own: view-source is currently not editable, and also not savable from the browser. Saving via another program is an action, not a MIME type, though the browser may conceivably be configurable from about:config to save content, for example by defining the URL file extension .savenow in some way. It feels just a tad convoluted right now though.

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