2015-07-26 14:34:06 +0200
Hmmm, something is strange here. I tried grep:ing the source for 000000 and ffffff. I only got hits in the *.qml-files and some irrelevant hits in *.layout. Since the qml-files remain as text in the binary I simply did a:
# Get root priviliges
# Change black into almost-white yellow, and white into black with a tinge of red
cat /usr/bin/fingerterm | sed -e 's/#000000/#ffffe8/' | sed -e 's/#ffffff/#0f0000/' > fingerterm-yellow
# Save original fingerterm
mv /usr/bin/fingerterm fingerterm-orig
# Put my "yellowfied" fingerterm in place of the original
mv fingerterm-yellow /usr/bin/fingerterm
# Make the new fingerterm runnable and belonging to root
chown root:root /usr/bin/fingerterm
chmod a+xr /usr/bin/fingerterm
But no dice, fingerterm remained stubbornly black!
(Once you are done with experimenting, you can do:
mv fingerterm-orig /usr/bin/fingerterm
to restore fingerterm to its original state)
So, the colours are not set in the binary! Where then? (Or perhaps I am misunderstanding how the qml-files work in the binary?)
A quick find . -name main.qml as root found these files on my phone:
./usr/share/store-client/main.qml ./usr/share/jolla-startupwizard-pre-user-session/main.qml ./usr/share/jolla-startupwizard/main.qml ./usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/main.qml ./usr/share/csd/main.qml ./usr/share/sailfish-maps/main.qml ./usr/share/harbour-jopas/qml/main.qml ./usr/share/harbour-screenshot/qml/main.qml ./usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/main.qml ./usr/share/sailfish-tutorial/main.qml ./usr/share/harbour-flappy/qml/main.qml ./usr/share/harbour-xbmcremote/qml/main.qml
Judging by the names I don't think those are the one which has the Fingerterm settings.. Where the hell could it be..
- brc
bracket ( 2015-05-13 22:43:22 +0200 )edit