2015-06-12 13:19:59 +0300
The solution first suggested by along the comment section might be our saviour:
Jolla / Settings / System / Mobile
Network / Mobile Data => longtap on
the connection name => edit
Connection name should be "internet"
not ""
I have no idea if this setting comes from Jolla or from the SIM. If it's provided by Jolla, this is an error and needs to be corrected!
"internet" is for folks on contract while "" is for prepaid users only!
I was abroad twice now, once in France/Spain on one trip and in UK on the other with my Nokia 808 and Jolla on a MultiSIM on one contract. For the 808 roaming worked fine, for the Jolla it did not.
Now what I noticed after o2 conjoined eplus into national roaming is that the o2de+ channel (eplus) was not working on my Jolla but worked fine on the 808 so I boiled it down to the access point settings.
On my 808 the AP connection name was just:
while on Jolla
it was set to
Changing this to
got me roaming in London working and now even national roaming works fine here.
I was told that it should work for me too (using "netzclub") but could not notice a "+" like they said in the sms. I tried international roaming too but it is national roaming so there might be a difference and national roaming is not available in SailfishOS right now?
xllndr ( 2015-05-19 10:04:02 +0300 )editHere in Bremen I only found a named E-Plus network not the new o2-de+ I found on other devices
I'll check it when I'm getting around ;)
imunar ( 2015-05-19 10:08:31 +0300 )editStrange - for me it works just as expected - my Jolla switches between o2-de and o2-de+ and the data connection also works just fine.
casanunda ( 2015-05-19 10:41:28 +0300 )editFor me, o2-de+ insn't working. i can't even connect to it manually.
shfit ( 2015-05-19 10:46:27 +0300 )edit@casanunda@shfit Would you mind letting us know where in germany you are? I am located in munich.
lispy ( 2015-05-19 10:49:07 +0300 )edit