Did you have trouble with your Jolla not discovering GPRS/3G data settings?
To solve it:
Settings -> System settings -> Mobile network -> Tap-and hold the item just above Data roaming, select edit
If you had this problem, please report here:
- The mobile provider name, the country
- If you know the MCC/MNC, provide that
- If you know what APN name should have been
- URL to your mobile provider's info page on these kind of configuration issues
Yeah, needed to go and type "internet" into the APN field for sonera in fi, http://www5.sonera.fi/ohjeet/MMS-jainternetasetukset_%28Android%29 — mind you my SIM is from the 90's :D (Tap-and-hold on a toggle? I'll find things like that, but not so sure I can find others who would...)
sp3000 ( 2013-12-25 14:15:39 +0300 )editBob Austria (part of A1): bob.at data@bob.at bob
kelvan ( 2013-12-25 19:16:24 +0300 )editIt's also necessary to allow roaming to connect to bob. Differ between roaming in your country and global is possible in every other system, why pushing us back to the stone age?
kelvan ( 2013-12-25 20:16:17 +0300 )editYep mine (in the UK) detected the asdamobile.co.uk as the provider when it should have been Vodafone. User and pass were correct but the APN wasn't IIRC. For Vodafone monthly the APN should be "Internet"
steph ( 2013-12-25 21:55:58 +0300 )editfor Bob Austira the link: http://www.bob.at/konfigurator sadly only in german
merlin1991 ( 2013-12-28 21:08:24 +0300 )edit