Jolla support or will support the EAP-SIM Wlan/Wifi authentification?
Jolla support or will support the EAP-SIM Wifi authentification?
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Jolla support or will support the EAP-SIM Wifi authentification?
SailfihOS doesn't support EAP-SIM yet, but vote, and the feature should be added.
Well the questions were: "Does Jolla support EAP-SIM?" answer is NO. "Will Jolla support EAP-SIM?" Answer is YES, if you vote for it on this thread (I received the answer through JollaHQ Twitter account when I asked)
So, both questions were answered.
I'm waiting as eagerly as you for this feature, since all the IOS and Adroïd fanboys around me keep bugging me about the lack of that feature in SailfishOS.
ramppa ( 2014-02-12 17:11:56 +0200 )editI'll add some reference links for this here: There are only two other important EAPs: EAP-TLS, and EAP-TTLS.
trivore ( 2015-06-25 20:13:07 +0200 )editEAP SIM is much needed, that was one of the n900 weakness that made me want a new phone
ddelamarre ( 2014-10-14 23:52:11 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-25 12:12:07 +0200
Seen: 2,124 times
Last updated: Feb 12 '19
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supporting this approach, as so far only iPhone and selected Android devices support EAP-SIM e.g. in Hotspots of Swisscom
Manankanchu ( 2013-12-25 12:21:25 +0200 ) french operator use it also for his Wifi connection.
Khertan ( 2013-12-26 00:37:33 +0200 )editSorry, this was meant to be a comment, not an answer: EAP-SIM: EAP-AKA:
Nirkus ( 2013-12-26 22:30:04 +0200 )editSymbian also support EAP-SIM (at least S60r5, tested successfully on 5800 XpressMusic).
For now, support should be added to mer before it goes through Jolla devices:
- add pcsc-lite package (needed to access SIM card)
- compile wpa_supplicant package with EAP-SIM support (needs pcsc-lite according to doc)
- [update connman to handle EAP connections]
Triton ( 2014-01-06 22:21:11 +0200 )editAll mobile operators in South Korea use EAP-SIM for their authenticated Wi-Fi connection.
peremen ( 2014-01-27 11:07:03 +0200 )edit