general question about caldav by 1st sync [not relevant]

asked 2015-07-24 10:27:03 +0300

cemoi71 gravatar image


i have my a cloud instance which currently works with caldav for the contacts.
Currently it is empty.
I don't if it is generally possible to pull all the contact from the jolla to the cloud system.

The situation behind this question is, the next one. Is at the a little bit stupid.

I had some contact from google account.
And since a while my motivation is to step per step go away from it.
One day i wanted to move to memotoo and exported all the contact into a data-file as backup, and move all the contact into it.
Then it happened that in some way (i avoid the details about it) the memotoo account would be deleted. Now I have all my contact on the phone, and an outdated backup, and export function by the phone seems to be tricky .

The wish is that for the 1st sync, all the contact of the phone are pull to the cloud server.
I don't if it's possible, until know i always seen the inverted way: Server => phone.

Currently to bind both works. but nothing happened, according that sfos 1.1.6.x have still bugs.
Maybe those bugs could spare it, or caldav protocol don't make it possible, i don't know. That the question that that i ask me...

I'll appreciate if someone could answer on this simple question (i think).

Have a good sail

ps: currently i have the and naturally it make no sense to go in detail on problem, if the jolla team put all their effort on the new 1.1.7.x. i want to speak just on the concept level. After that the 1.1.7 will be released, then i'll trigger the thread on it if there is problemes.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by cemoi71
close date 2017-01-30 16:39:16.515983


This is a question about data ownership.

When you add an account to the Jolla, the data which is synced from that account is owned by that account. We don't sync that information to any other accounts.

When you add information directly on the Jolla, that data is considered to be owned by the user. That information WILL be synced to (all) other accounts.

When creating a backup, the same data-ownership semantics are observed, so only "locally-added" information will be exported / backed up.

If you wish to export contact information from Google to Memotoo, you should use the option provided by Google's web application (it has an "export to vcf" option).

Cheers, Chris.

chris.adams ( 2015-07-27 07:00:33 +0300 )edit

@chris.adams thank you chris for your answer.
it was already done. i have already export from google as vcf. then put it in memotoo. i have still the vcf data. but it is outdated, many new contact or changes are done. now google account is empty. that why i wanted to ask for a trick to save from jolla phone directly...

cemoi71 ( 2015-07-27 10:13:17 +0300 )edit

For contact data, you can use the vcardconverter tool to export local contact data as .vcf. It should already be on your device. You need to run it as privileged (ie, via devel-su -p vcardconverter). The sourcecode is just in case you're curious.

For calendar data, a tool is currently being developed but is not yet available. That WIP tool can be found at:

chris.adams ( 2015-07-27 10:45:09 +0300 )edit