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How to use the little notification popup?

asked 2015-07-26 13:12:21 +0200

Hey there, how can I use the little notification popup, like it is used in the clock app when you set an alarm? I can't find any info about it :(

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Hi. What do you mean by 'use'? Do you think of app development? In this case, you might have a look at e.g. harbour-tasklist (github) and search the source code for 'notification' for an example usage...

yurumi ( 2015-07-26 17:52:10 +0200 )edit

I'm not sure if it's working this way, but you can find this on /usr/share/jolla-clock/pages/MainPage.qml: It uses notification.previewBody = and notification.publish() for the alarm expiration notifications.

AliN ( 2015-07-27 16:30:16 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-07-26 20:36:56 +0200

Schturman gravatar image

You also can create simple python script like in this example and run it as USER: python /path/myscript.py

import dbus

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
object = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications','/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
interface = dbus.Interface(object,'org.freedesktop.Notifications')

                 "Charging started",
                 "Charging starter",
                 dbus.Array(["default", ""]),
                 dbus.Dictionary({"x-nemo-preview-body": "Charging started",
                                  "category": "x-nemo.battery"},
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answered 2015-07-28 20:26:25 +0200

Thanks for your answers. With 'use' i did mean for app development. I'm using nemo-qml-plugin-notifications right now, and it works great. But i am wondering if it is allowed to define my own notification categorys for Lipstick. I want to ship my own category config with my *.rpm and install it into "/usr/share/lipstick/notificationcategories". But i don't know how do name it, is something like "harbour.soundboard.favorite.conf" ok? ('soundboard' is the name of my app, and 'favorite' is the name of the category)

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Notice that the nemo-qml-plugin-notifications is not currently allowed in harbour.


Tanghus ( 2015-07-30 20:31:20 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-07-26 13:12:21 +0200

Seen: 839 times

Last updated: Jul 28 '15