Can't update from to [answered]
There are messages like could not update, there was a problem with the store, some repositories are broken etc etc. I've tried btrfs balancing but it doesn't help at all. . However, btrfs fi show gives a pretty weird result!!
NOTE- There's a popup with text there was a problem with the store, couldn't determine the update size!
EDIT- The update worked! Don't know why or how, since I don't have karma above 25 I can't close the question.
What happens when you do "version --dup" from the terminal ?
ced117 ( 2015-07-28 08:51:03 +0200 )editShows error link text
vds5344 ( 2015-07-28 09:49:52 +0200 )edit@vds5344 and your device is connected to internet? (wondering because of "couldn't resolve host store...")
tigeli ( 2015-07-28 10:17:57 +0200 )editObviously kind sir!
vds5344 ( 2015-07-28 10:19:45 +0200 )edit