localized numeric keypad
Hi. I'm using a Jolla phone where I've selected Swedish as my local language. Now, that implies that when an app requires numerical input (at least a number of them I use) a numeric keypad is displayed. My guess is that because of my choise of localization (Swedish) this keypad has only one option to input a decimal delimiter which is the comma sign in swedish. Sadly though many apps (I use quite a few Android apps) do not recognize the comma sign but will only accept a period as a decimal delimiter. Sailfish (I'm on the latest official version) should present a numeric keypad that has 'buttons' for both comma and period signs (just like Android does). Without this feature Jolla/SailfishOS is not useful for 'everday life' usage since it can't be expected that every app possible has an option to choose what sign should be interpreted as a decimal delimiter.
maybe an longpress and all the options (,.) would be not bad anyway ?
pawel ( 2015-08-13 13:39:54 +0200 )edit