Top edge swipe to lock (SFOS 2.0)

asked 2015-09-09 22:47:31 +0300

strnous gravatar image

I really liked the possibility to simply lock the phone by swiping from the top edge of the screen in home view as implemented in SFOS 1.X.

Currently swiping from the top edge opens the ambiance selector where you need to tap the lock icon.

I suggest to implement a timeout (user settable, eventually) after which the phone will lock if user takes no action within the ambiance selector (i.e. no scrolling and no ambiance selection)

With such timer there are two ways to lock the phone using the top edge gesture

  • swipe and tap the lock item
  • swipe and let the phone lock itself after the timer expires
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I don't think what you suggest (a timeout, then lock) will improve usability. Sorry.

martinrusler ( 2015-09-09 22:57:15 +0300 )edit

I proposed a a combined solution for the lock/pulley/ambiance/shorcuts problems over here :

xavierolland ( 2015-09-09 23:19:15 +0300 )edit

I would prefer an option in the preferences (in Gestures) to switch back to old behavior.

Sebix ( 2015-12-25 14:02:20 +0300 )edit