[Feature Request] Make Pull-Down-Covers official

asked 2015-09-12 13:50:01 +0200

inte gravatar image

updated 2015-09-12 14:23:36 +0200

penpen gravatar image

After a few days with SFOS I tend to more and more like it. Some things are different, some unusual, many better but some also worse. Regarding the latter, I think the far worst are the new Cover-Buttons which are tiny, easily missed but also often unintentionally triggered. But it wasn't SailfishOS if there wasn't a patch for this on OpenRepos - the integration of pully menus in the cover tiles: https://openrepos.net/content/nodevel/patch-pulldown-covers Having this patch installed, the Jolla feels far more useable, no accidental triggering of cover actions but also easy selection. However, it's a patch and it doesn't integrate in the GUI as good as if it were genuine, in terms that it needs an initial trigger to become active and swiping down to the apps screen doesn't work when hitting a cover. If Jolla would integrate this UI change properly these issues could surely be resolved. Please, Jolla, make it genuine!! :)

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I think that for this idea to work well the covers should be fixed at the bigger size, the small covers aren't practical

Titanium ( 2015-09-12 14:21:32 +0200 )edit

Can't say that. Works fine for me at any size. Did you try the patch?

inte ( 2015-09-12 14:26:03 +0200 )edit

BTW, previous cover actions were working fine at small size as well. The new cover buttons don't!

inte ( 2015-09-12 14:26:58 +0200 )edit

i think on tablet the patch will be great. on phone onehanded and maybe even walking..

my favorite solution : bring back old cover action. use edge left and edge right for carousel.

pawel ( 2015-09-12 14:54:39 +0200 )edit

pull down covers works good.. but it doesnt bring up the app drawer when pushed. when some apps are open.. trying to push from the app doesnt respond to anything??

Ghost ( 2015-09-12 15:01:05 +0200 )edit