Add rights management for native apps [duplicate]
I know the best situation is that pre-checkin apps works, and you can just install apps from official store without thinking. But as seen in comments of Flashlight app, it has caused little storm in the glass of water. App "calls home", and there is no information about it in the description or anywhere else, well now in comments but.. Anyway many people have uninstalled app, since you wouldn't think flaslight needs an internet connection.
So maybe some kind of rights management would be nice, or some kind of announcement that Jolla is checking apps, so user can trust that app wont send any more information that it says (and it must be said if it does so). That flashlight app was taken just as example here, since "it is the first one" which brings this up. But this of course will effect to all apps. User should be able to trust apps in store, and now the situation isn't fully that.
duplicate to
rainisto ( 2014-01-06 02:09:50 +0200 )editYes I'd say definitely a duplicate, please close it as such @huuhaa
That being said thanks for mentioning the "problem" with flashlight. It is really bad developer judgement not to inform about gathering statistics. There is some poetic judgement though in that it has gotten > 3500 downvotes because of it. Problematic though that the store only shows the upvotes on the overview.
Tanghus ( 2014-01-06 03:05:47 +0200 )editSuch an app should be banned from the store. To increase user and quality control of Jolla store apps, it would teally be a good idea to have this API security/privacy practices in place, and makinf the store.accessible as a web-forum (as has been suggested here). This Together forum would be a fine place to browse, comment Store and app-spesific things..
foss4ever ( 2014-01-06 03:21:10 +0200 )editCheck out this:
foss4ever ( 2014-01-06 03:24:42 +0200 )editSorry for dublicate. Tried to search first but.. Anyway, closing this now.
huuhaa ( 2014-01-06 09:27:22 +0200 )edit