How to downgrade back to SFOS 1.0 UI [answered]
Для тех кто обновился до и ужаснулся от нового интерфейса ul 2.0 (для меня он и правда ужасен, я чуть не разбил телефон пока пытался набрать телефон за рулем). Есть решение:
а) б) внизу отключить Early access to Sailfish OS releases в) сделать бекап в телефоне: Настройки - Система - Резервная копия г) Слайдер сверху - Скопировать на карту памяти (предварительно надо вставить карту памяти) д) Выполнить hardware reset Настройки - Сбросить устройство е) после hardware reset обновиться до ж) восстановить данные из резервной копии Настройка-Резервная копия - Слайдер сверху - Восстановить с карты памяти, далее выбрать резервную копию и удерживая выбрать восстановить.
REM: все содержимое виртуальной машины андроид и все данные не йолловских приложений будут утеряны, если хотите можете их спасти скопировав допустим tar'ом на карту памяти.
At the first time it was question about 2.0 usability, but ay this time it's a manual how-to downgrade to UI 1.0 it's seems to me useful.
- Disable Early access to Sailfish OS releases, at
- Backup all data
- Send reserve copy to SD-card
- Hardware reset
- Update to
- Restore your data from reserve copy
REM: Data for non-jolla applications will be lost
Original request:
Hi Jolla!
Could you please return old style jolla interface. The new interface is worse and is not suitable for use (it's looks like android 2). Old interface has 3 screens and i can use shortcuts on lockscreen everytime as i need. In the new interface, I can not switch to the lock screen by swipe and use shortcuts. In the second screen we have four icons, which are always needed, and not only at the moment when it is not open any application.
check out quickbar on openrepos; maybe it can help :)
tortoisedoc ( 2015-09-13 07:02:05 +0200 )editon 1.9 was all good from box )) thanks, maybe it can help.. hmmm (-2 votes) - you really like the 2.0. interface?
fyodorov ( 2015-09-13 09:40:12 +0200 )editPlease save one jolla phone, helpme, tellme please how to downgrade to 1.9 not broke my jolla. help
fyodorov ( 2015-09-13 11:20:39 +0200 )editWith SFOS1 you needed more swipes, actually. Why you were at app, you needed one swipe going to app-screen, second to lockscreen, third for pulley.
Now it's just one swipe for app-menu, and tap.
73wjso ( 2015-09-13 12:10:47 +0200 )editYou seem to already have installed 1.1.9.x (2.0 ui) and thus you sure want to downgrade to 1.1.7 to have 1.0 ui back? afaik it is only possible via factory reset. Do a backup, than factory reset to an early version and install the old updates one by one again but stop at 1.1.7. Anyone with a different suggestion for downgrading?
mosen ( 2015-09-13 12:19:24 +0200 )edit