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Weather widget: Give access to per-day detailed information

asked 2015-09-16 22:04:35 +0200

ssahla gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 13:32:36 +0200

jiit gravatar image

In, the Weather widget in the events screen shows a forecast for five days, which is nice. But it would be handy to have also the possibility to view more detailed hourly forecasts for each day.

The way it is now, I need to switch to the Weather app, select a location, and choose "More information" from the pulley menu to take me to the Foreca website – and after that some more taps, if I want to see the forecast for some day other than today.

It would be great if I could just tap (or long-press and select "More info") on a day in the events view to get a hourly forecast for that day. If I now tap on a day, the weather widget just minimizes. That's just annoying.

(Edit: as I learned from @Giacomo Di Giacomo's answer, there is a link: the Foreca logo in the bottom right of the widget! But I think this is not the best place for the link – intuitively, you're going to try tapping on the day you want details on. And you still need several taps if you want something else than today's forecast.)

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It would also be nice just to be able to jump to the Weather app. Intuitively, I tried long pressing but that doesn't do anything.

paulvt ( 2015-09-17 00:09:23 +0200 )edit

I like the Foreca widget on the N900 with its configurable display settings. It shows the current weather plus a number of slots, configurable from 3 to 7. And you can configure whether the slots are 6 or 24 hours apart.

pichlo ( 2015-09-17 16:05:50 +0200 )edit

Before 1.1.9 times it was easy to see how to get to the detailed day information. While i really love the update in general, this is a thing where we have a step back. However, I don't think the fix is to have a link to the detailed information, but another mechanism that shows them directly. Either another tap on the widget or a longpress with context menu entry that enables you to fade in the information. Launching the browser should not need to be necessary. Especially like this you can cache the latest information and still see it even if you're on the road without Internet access.

Blizzz ( 2015-09-18 00:34:15 +0200 )edit

@Blizzz, I agree that it would be better if we didn't need the Browser at all here (and actually in the post I didn't mean it should be a web link, though I could have made that more clear). It could all be, if not in the widget, in the Weather app.

ssahla ( 2015-09-18 00:41:27 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-09-16 22:51:54 +0200

Giacomo Di Giacomo gravatar image

Click the Foreca logo to access extra information via Web browser (as in the old "More info" pulley menu item).

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Thanks, that helps a lot! :)

ssahla ( 2015-09-17 08:13:00 +0200 )edit

This is everything but intuitive

Blizzz ( 2015-09-18 00:30:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-18 00:46:29 +0200

M.Bln. gravatar image

There are similar requests already - see: https://together.jolla.com/question/85490/weather-app-improvements/

I dont know how much these are duplicates to each other. But maybe you should vote the linked request as well...

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Asked: 2015-09-16 22:04:35 +0200

Seen: 405 times

Last updated: Sep 18 '15