Is there a way to set ambience from command line? [duplicate]
I couldn't find such a question here on together. If there is, please point me to it. Thanks.
I'd like to set an ambience from command line. I'd like to do that in order to use the Situations App (from Jolla Store) to activate an ambience based on rules. As the Situations App is able to run custom commands based on rules this would be easy to achieve if I could set an ambience by command.
So, is there a way to set an ambience from command line?
(I'm already on so it should work for SFOS2)
Duplicate of
Tanghus ( 2015-09-17 19:54:08 +0200 )editPerfect. Thanks. Strange that I didn't find that question by searching. I'm pretty sure that I had search terms that should have matched.
naytsyrhc ( 2015-09-17 22:47:50 +0200 )edit