sailfish for android devices - where and when? [answered]
" Jolla Sailfish OS Will Soon Be Available For Android Devices" , they said in 2013
"Maybe not wise to exchange your old Samsung to new Lumia, because you may get Sailfish OS to it soonish.", they said in 2014
they released some hadk, and the community made few phones half-working with sailfish
the number of phones that are working is not too big, and the number of phones that supports all the features is even smaller
in short, we can say that there is no fully supported android phones on which we can run sailfish, except for a few exceptions
what jolla offers? hope for the community, or do-it-yourself?
to do it, you must have a powerful computer, be a tech-savvy, with a good Linux knowledge
imagine you was able to do this, followed the instructions, and did all these steps and made the phone working, and several features are not working. calls. camera. and display. what's next? go to the chat, and ask the community, right?
should I continue?
is Jolla itself planning to make a good support for android phones, or whatever they can is to say "do-it-yourself"? or, if I should do it by myself, at least could I expect to run all the features on arbitrary phone?
Don't hold your breath, you'll probably see an indian or chinese phone released with sailfish first if the rumor mill is to be believed.
davekelly ( 2015-09-21 00:29:18 +0200 )editI don't think there is much motivation to run SailfishOS on your Android device - since Jolla ships aliendalvik only for the Jolla phones you would, ironically, lose Android support for your Androd device. For most people there's much more value in trying e.g. Cyanogen since they can still run their apps.
t-lo ( 2015-09-21 08:06:32 +0200 )edit@t-lo, that is the point actually. By installing your own-baked SFOS image to a Nexus5 device for example you get rid of the need for android applications as well as the ability tol use them ;)
Just admit it, you hate android as much as the next person, just good riddance! (and welcome another fine device rescued from evil android claws...)
juiceme ( 2015-09-23 16:04:56 +0200 )edit@juiceme I do not consider a SailfishOS device w/o Android support to be sustainable. It may be good sport to actually do a port, solely for the sake of having it done. But given the state of the Jolla app store (and no indication of this changing in the future) people would end up with almost a dumb phone. Consequently I would consider most people to experience a switch of their device from Android to SFOS w/o Android support less of a "rescue" and more of "making it unusable" for them. Taken into account that a port requires a rather large effort - with almost no user base for the target, where is the motivation of doing it?
t-lo ( 2015-09-24 12:58:35 +0200 )editmaybe would be fine to work with cyanogenmod for having a good and smart solution for porting saifish on many devices. that at the end jolla could present a similar one as them but for sailfish...
cemoi71 ( 2015-10-07 18:31:09 +0200 )edit