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Wasted gestures in Home-Events-Home carousel [duplicate]

asked 2015-10-02 19:49:32 +0200

kandelabra gravatar image

updated 2015-10-04 00:07:59 +0200

For now two types of gestures are used for the same action in Home-Events-Home carousel - edge swipe and screen pull. That limits in-screen action. There at least two good features became impossible due to this:

  1. Cover actions
  2. Clear events by swipe

Please note that in any native app screen pull is used for in-app action not for inter-app navigation.

Home and Events are definitely different "apps". Yes, I consider them as meta-apps.

So, the suggestion is to unify gesture usage: on Home and Events screen edge swipe should serve for "closing" it (= switching between them), then horizontal pull/scroll/swipe became available for different actions (i.e. for two mentioned above).

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by chemist
close date 2015-10-03 02:15:54.454452



i prefer the old way of home and events view but your suggestion is better than the current one :) in my opinion of course

NuklearFart ( 2015-10-02 23:54:33 +0200 )edit

Everything is better then the current implementation :) I could live with the proposed effort as well!

inte ( 2015-10-03 21:28:21 +0200 )edit

Exactly. The natural way how it should work is:

  1. inside swipe operates cover actions
  2. edge swipe operates carousel.

There is no excuse to use both type of gestures to cause same action.

juiceme ( 2015-10-04 12:46:29 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-10-03 02:15:46 +0200

chemist gravatar image

Apart of bits of your ideas duplicate of https://together.jolla.com/question/87284/suggestion-events-and-partner-screens-as-edge-swipes-bring-back-the-gestural-cover-actions-sailfish-os-20/ and maybe https://together.jolla.com/question/84391/hyc-dont-replace-cover-action-pulls-with-buttons/ and the missing idea in these two is already with its own question here https://together.jolla.com/question/23896/suggestion-swipe-to-clear-single-notification/ all found by a simple tag search for gestures.

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If you can see as moderator I upvoted both topics before I posted this one. I mean, yes, I saw them :)

Moreover, this one is the extraction and generalization of that issues. So "duplicate" is not very sharp term here. But it doesn't matter since topic is still available for everyone :)

kandelabra ( 2015-10-03 10:16:07 +0200 )edit

@kandelabra if there is a question on a topic already there, please. I know you tried to aggregate the topic but the other two are already doing fine on their own. Also, if you read and voted on the others you might as well just say "Can we combine 'link' with 'link' and do 'link' please?". I am trying to encourage you to help the other threads go fwd instead of starting your own as your idea has one mismatch to the others. It does not help the cause to have different collections of ideas while there are already questions open about each item. This also helps with voting as it reflects what people think about a specific issue. I would so like to write up my ideas about "How I would do it." but in the end there is always someone not so happy with a solution and will voice that, people happy won't voice that loud or even remain silent!

chemist ( 2015-10-03 13:18:21 +0200 )edit

OK, I'll try to get the mechanics of the forum and of the community. But Help says nothing about merging topics. It would be great to add a couple of words about questions updates. I see I can edit source topic but I don't know whether it common here. May be I will offend someone's copyright this way :)

kandelabra ( 2015-10-03 17:59:42 +0200 )edit

@kandelabra ask the OP if it is ok to make a wiki out of it, altering starting posts should be limited to typos or altering misleading/interpretative content. IIRC there is nothing about merging topics as it is nothing in general and maybe stuff for FAQ though. In general, do not merge topics, the less merging is done the more freely topics may evolve. On global issues like gestures, you could merge all of them into one topic that would never get to an end as there is always room for further changes. Being specific about certain use-case issues like cover-buttons or UI-movement helps much more than to mix/merge them together. Sure if you clean up the UI-navigation mess you get new possibilities or old ones back. But first things first, the UI redesign is dumbed down on a so massive level that it makes those users here from the beginning wonder if Jolla stopped working in their own direction and goes mainstream now. People are scared to get something unusable like android. In terms of work-flow all issues need to be addressed but without changing the UI in general none of our ideas are even possible.

There are several topics about adding pull-gestures to list items, like call-history items or now events-view items. Reducing buttons reduces the need for precision actions and therefore increases speed. For some reason the test-group in Fi Jolla picked to determine new UI decisions did not get cover-actions or outside swipes, so they dumbed it down back to buttons. Usability and usage pattern tests showed that menusVStoolbars the toolbars win if they are always on, as soon as someone needs to use a button to access it they do not use it anymore and even further they stop using the app at all. So I'd like to see a study on SFOS gestures compared to that!

chemist ( 2015-10-03 19:54:19 +0200 )edit

Sorry for stupid question, but what is OP here?

Right here I was specific about navigation gestures - more UI in general. Covers and events swipes were just examples of well known side effects of the issue.

kandelabra ( 2015-10-03 20:25:31 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-02 19:49:32 +0200

Seen: 409 times

Last updated: Oct 04 '15