SDK on Windows 7 x64
Hi everyone!
I have installed the SDK using on a Windows 7 x64 (German) machine. While QtCreator is running and I can create myfirstapp. I have problems compiling and running the application:
- in myfirstapp.qml: ApplicationWindow is underlined and says "Could not resolve the prototype 'Window' of 'ApplicationWindow' (M301)."
- I can not run the SDK VM ("No virtual machine with the name "MerSDK" found ...')
- I can not run the Emulator VM ('No virtual machine with the name "SailfishOS Emulator" found ...')
I installed:
- VirtualBox 4.3.32r10443 (as Administrator)
- Visual C++ 2010 redistributable for x86 (as Administrator)
- SailfishOSSDK-Beta-1510-Qt5-windows-offline.exe (as regular user)
I pretty much only clicked through the setup. So
- VirtualBox is in C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
- SailfishSDK in C:\SailfishOS
If I check with VirtualBox Manager it has the two VMs
- MerSDK in C:\SailfishOS\mersdk\MerSDK
- SailfishOS Emulator in C:\SailfishOS\emulator\SailfishOS Emulator
What can I do to make the IDE find it's files?
Thanks, Jörg