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Jolla's trouble - a chance to focus [subjective]

asked 2015-11-19 20:26:15 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2015-11-20 01:09:45 +0200

It probably came not as a surprise, when we read the news in Aamulehti about Jolla's financial trouble - although everybody was hoping that this would not happen.

As sad as it is - and I feel mostly sorry for the sailor's that put so much love in their product - it is a chance to focus.

The question is, off course, to focus on what?

Jolla needs a product that everybody wants to buy because sales is what is missing up to know.

Jolla has a product - SFOS on the phone. So what is missing?

SFOS has matured a lot and even though I don't make much use of it, the ability to run android apps is great. Further, the capability to use android hardware - thanks to libhybris - is great. So the core is o.k.

It is details in daily use that need attention (copy/paste, calendar Import/export ...) and a shiny, up-to-date hardware. The hardware could come from a third Party like Intex for example.

So, IMHO, Jolla's focus should be on a really good user experience on the phone. Abandon the tablet (even though I am a backer - just skip it and don't give me money back, if you can't) and focus on a (new) phone - or, even better, on SFOS for an Android phone of my choice!

BTW: I would pay for a SFOS license if I can have it on some Android hardware of my choice.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong - I am still hoping to receive the tablet. However, it is about priorities and IHMO priority should be on SFOS for phones with standard Android HW.

The focus should be on one product. One product is enough for a small company as long as it meets or exceeds our expectations. The product should be saifish, an alternative OS for small mobile devices that can be used with only one hand and without the requirement to hit tiny buttons - thanks to gestures. * IMHO, SFOS is gem in its core - it is a pitty it can't shine because it is shaded by unfortunate circumstances.

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Care to translate the article for us?

Mr.Pancake ( 2015-11-19 20:29:48 +0200 )edit

I believe the article is already referred to in the other post

I just used Google translator - it isn't good, but you get an idea.

AkiBerlin ( 2015-11-19 20:41:59 +0200 )edit

I second the idea to focus on the OS and scrap further hw development. It's simply unsustainable, unless Jolla comes up with something radically different while cheap to mass produce and market (and kinda coupled to Sailfish). Pretty tough, eh?

spidernik84 ( 2015-11-19 21:43:46 +0200 )edit

I would also really like to try the tablet, but that would be just another (unneeded) gadget. For me, a (financially) healthy Jolla company would be much more important to ensure further software development and hardware adaptation. As one of the Indiegogo backers I would resign the tablet if it is necessary for Jolla to survive.

ziellos ( 2015-11-19 22:31:57 +0200 )edit

They should focus on the Core OS/UI and open source ALL Apps ( Calendar, etc. ). And they MUST make paid app support a top priority and also consider paid OS updates as a possibility. I'd rather pay something for an update that not getting any at all.

shfit ( 2015-11-19 23:00:58 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-11-20 12:20:01 +0200

bilgy_no1 gravatar image

updated 2015-11-20 13:50:53 +0200

I agree about the need to have focus. For sure!

So what's up with this new 'Jolla Adventures' program? It will select up to 5 startups and invest €200k in those for Asian expansion. How does this, in any way at all, help the Sailfish OS ecosystem???

I disagree about the tablet. They have all the parts already, so the additional cost is in manufacturing and packaging (backers already paid for that!) and shipping (backers will pay for that). Not delivering the tablet will create an enormous negative vibe in the community: 12000 people will be disappointed in Jolla and a large portion will turn their backs and never return. Let alone the negative reputation of being 'the company that failed to deliver one of the largest crowdfunding campaigns'. Every article, every review will mention this so it will be a heavy weight to drag.

Furthermore, the tablet project has helped Jolla to scale the OS to new hardware (Intel) and new screen sizes. This is necessary if they want to become an attractive OS option for device manufacturers. [EDIT] To clarify myself some more: I understand these were the reasons to start the Tablet project last year. Even then, they would better have worked with a fully outsourced hardware manufacturer. But they did need to adapt the OS to new hardware.[/EDIT]

IMO the focus should be on:

  • Continuous development and improvement of the OS
  • Attracting more OEM partners to sell hardware with Sailfish (they've probably been trying to do this extensively since MWC and only Intex partnered up)
  • Developing and testing revenue models in the ecosystem, such as a cooperation with Mailbox.org with a monthly fee for a secure and private mail solution. Paid apps and in app purchases, etc.

Jolla's hardware company should be a light model, i.e. rebranding the phones of OEMs (avoiding any significant hardware adaptation). Then make a deal with e.g. Intex that Jolla HW Co will sell and service the phones in the EU. I'm sure there are many Sailors out there who want to replace the original Jolla with updated hardware after two years.

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Well written! And I couldn't agree more.

nick75 ( 2015-11-20 12:26:01 +0200 )edit

So basically thet have €1M, to "throw" on starts-up, but no funding for their own business? Is that what should be understood by the Adventures program??

nick75 ( 2015-11-20 13:02:17 +0200 )edit

@ bilgy_no1: I fully agree. However, I believe that the tablet should be the last 2nd device for a while. I am a tablet backer and if Jolla can avoid further disapointment, it would be even better.

Maybe Jolla could manage to sell 3rd party hardware with SFOS via Jolla store.

AkiBerlin ( 2015-11-20 13:14:29 +0200 )edit

@AkiBerlin I do agree that Jolla should no longer make proprietary hardware. There are too many risks in that process (as was illustrated by the Tablet delays), and Jolla are too small to have a grip on manufacturing partners. It's perfectly fine to do what Ubuntu are doing: partner with a company like Meizu, take the existing model and port the new OS for that model. Ubuntu are even smarter, because they don't have any hardware rist at all (Meizu is selling and servicing the phone).

Having said that, I believe that cancelling the tablet will be a bad decision, because many supporters (a large majority) will never spend any money on Jolla/Sailfish ever again.

bilgy_no1 ( 2015-11-20 13:43:02 +0200 )edit

@bilgy_no1 I agree with your opinion, and I share it. What direction it is going the Jolla last year, I do not understand. I was unpleasantly surprised by the introduction of the tablet. I was disappointed, I expected a Jolla 2 cellphone with current hardware (improvements especially of parts that were much criticized by community - like camera, display, batt., etc.) and focusing to development of basic applications (like offline navi, good email client, also as Android support polishing) and the ecosystem with paid services/apps ability. So, nothing happened of this. Instead, Jolla took the road of investments in startups, which is the road to hell (because the Jolla is NOT the Goggle!).

cocovina ( 2015-11-20 13:45:41 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-11-19 20:26:15 +0200

Seen: 1,800 times

Last updated: Nov 20 '15