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I want another phone from Jolla!!!! [answered]

asked 2015-12-03 09:03:19 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

updated 2015-12-03 15:51:54 +0200

I never cared for the tablet, thought it's a stupid idea! But i always wanted another JP, with top quality and up to date hardware! Please Jolla, ditch the tablet and start making phones again!

P.S. I don't care for current Jolla troubles, before the company goes belly up, I want another PHONE!!!!!

Update: I agree that phone running Sailfish OS (Jolla or not Jolla does not matter) would be enough. But seeing mutilated and botched up Sailfish OS (by some unknown manufacturer)would brake my heart completely! :'(

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me too! .......

AkiBerlin ( 2015-12-03 09:10:10 +0200 )edit

Are you willing to invest millions? Because afaik Jolla has a small cash problem.... PS: I also would like a new Jolla Phone.

lupastro ( 2015-12-03 09:11:24 +0200 )edit

A Jolla phnone - or a phone running Selfish OS? I personally don't care if Jolla build a phone or not - but I would gladly go for a phone of any brand running SFOS!

stephan ( 2015-12-03 11:02:18 +0200 )edit

Indeed - I don't bother which brand the phone has - as long as it runs Sailfish and has decent memory and screen resolution and LTE

AkiBerlin ( 2015-12-03 11:29:04 +0200 )edit

...NOT! There are way than enough other companies that specialize in manufacturing. Grab a Fairphone 2 and let Jolla do their thing - creating the best OS.

kryca ( 2015-12-03 12:29:08 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-12-03 12:47:14 +0200

DieUnwucht gravatar image

updated 2015-12-03 12:53:56 +0200

Jolla has announced that they want to concentrate on developing SFOS and abstain from producing any more hardware. They see their future (if any) in a licensing strategy, offering their system and services to mass market distribution partners selling their phones with branded versions of SFOS.

I think this is a very, very wise move.

At the same time I believe it is crucial for Jolla to maintain a strong community of enthusiasts. For those, there must be a reference platform available that allows an unencumbered and plain SFOS experience - a state of the art reference platform. Jolla doesn't need to design and build that hardware themselves. They could also partner with someone who 1) is not a network carrier or service provider but instead 2) is driven by a vision that fits into the value set of Jolla and our community 3) is similarly innovative 4) has something to offer for the maker community as Jolla did with the TOH concept.

I can see two candidates on the horizon and both have already announced that they will work with the SFOS community to offer SFOS on their device as an alternative OS:

The FairPhone 2

The finnish PuzzlePhone which is currently crowd funding at indiegogo

I have secured mine already (I am not telling which one (or maybe both?) I chose).

I really, really hope that Jolla engages with those passionate manufacturers to allow for a fully functional and fully suported Jolla version of SFOS for those. That should be way easier to achieve then designing and building a whole new device. At the same time that would allow for selling the SFOS model at a premium price, including a revenue for Jolla per each such device. That would be an easy way for me to show my support to Jolla once again.

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I agree that the community should not push Jolla but phone manufacturers to support Jolla by licencing Sailfish. Why are people moaning here? Go and write to manufacturers, distributors, startups. They need to see the crowd willing to buy phones with Sailfish. They need to see the money.

Macilaci457 ( 2015-12-03 14:08:31 +0200 )edit

@Macilaci457 Go and have a look at the comments to PuzzlePhones' inidiegogo campaign. You will find most comments being about them also offering a SFOS alternative. So your suggestion has been heard and acted upon even before you have expressed it :-)

PuzzlePhone, just like FairPhone, has committed to work towards a SFOS version with the SFOS community. But both claim that they cannot promise a full-featured Jolla version (incl. alienDalvic, maps, etc.) at the present point in time. I am not surprised about that, given the current state of Jolla oy. Anyway, we are making a diffence with those manufacturers which are more about changing the world rather than bluntly making money. These companies can appreciate the value that is in the determination and loyalty of community members.

But I doubt that we can make a big impression with the mass market providers. For them each and everyone of us is just one paying customer like any other less passionate one as well. In reagrds of the one and only Jolla SFOS table there have been about 10,000 of those. This is a tiny number! Someone like Intex or Samsung would need to fetch a microscope to recognise us. We are insignificant to them.

That's why we have to think of two independent but interwoven spheres. The mass market at the one hand, that Jolla can deliver to through partnering with mass market providers via licensing policies; and the community at the other hand that can help with developing the platform (if Jolla makes the code base available under a free or non-free Open Source license) and developing the vision (like we do right now and here). And the community needs a new but community-like phone. It can't do with a branded 3rd party mass market phone. And there may be two of such phones in the very near future.

DieUnwucht ( 2015-12-03 14:42:24 +0200 )edit

i'm a bit hesitant to back a flexible funding campaign that is on its way to fail. I know they have EU funding and stuff and claim to produce the PP even if the campaign fails but if thats the case i could wait for the final product and i don't get why they chose to make a CF-campaign if they don't need funds. This feels too cheesy for me. I would be in if there were more than a weak promise for a community edition SFOS rom.

michel ( 2015-12-03 18:04:30 +0200 )edit

@michel My understanding is that they have access to extremely modern production lines in Finland which allows them to produce batches as small as 100 units. And a CF-campaign is perfect for such a scenario and additionaly allows to raise awareness (I have not heard of them before). More than anything it can give you an indication of the market interest. Right now they have a lot offeedback about people wanting them to offer a fully supported and Jolla backed SFOS. They have responded quickly and offered anything they could from their side, including a maker kit, to make that a reality.

DieUnwucht ( 2015-12-03 22:20:34 +0200 )edit

PuzzlePhone looks nice. But I do not believe it will live or be more than a niche product. Is is not so much interest as I see. No offical SFOS support. It is too expensive, I tell you. But I like the idea.

The fairphone has too many parts. Even Jolla failed with the TOH cincept, too hard to make anything worth be a consumer accessory.

So I am off at the moment. I want long term support for my money. I know it is not possible or easy to reach.

Macilaci457 ( 2015-12-03 23:01:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-12-03 09:27:00 +0200

bruce_one gravatar image

I'm excited about the tablet, but am still super keen to buy a new Jolla phone too.

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(Thought this might be useful for voting-ness? :-) -- I was going to vote in agreeance, but didn't quite agree :-p )

bruce_one ( 2015-12-03 09:28:29 +0200 )edit

Latest tablet news (closure): https://blog.jolla.com/jolla-tablet-closure/

JSEHV ( 2016-02-01 12:27:00 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-12-03 09:03:19 +0200

Seen: 1,753 times

Last updated: Dec 03 '15