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Modifying device lock input screen

asked 2015-12-04 15:57:41 +0200

Hi, I'd like to modify the device lock input screen. For me, showing the inputted numbers and highlighting keypad presses is too much. I would personally like to have just the dots representing the amount of inputted numbers and the vibration, nothing more. How can I achieve that? I took a quick look at the QML files, but I wouldn't like to break anything because I haven't got the time to figure out what went wrong. Thanks!

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-12-04 18:00:34 +0200

Ancelad gravatar image

MazeLock patch from OpenRepos?

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No thanks, I prefer numbers.

jollailija ( 2015-12-04 18:16:46 +0200 )edit

Just because mazelock have such functionality :) you can check patch code and make own patch just for numbers, or i can make such patch on next week.

coderus ( 2015-12-04 21:29:43 +0200 )edit

@coderus I had a quick nosey at your patch's source code. Is it possible to just remove the highlight from the keypad and make the numbers obfuscate instantly or with minimal delay? I don't need anything fancier than that. However I don't know which files hold this stuff.

jollailija ( 2015-12-05 10:03:05 +0200 )edit

@coderus Thanks! Convert that into an answer maybe?

jollailija ( 2015-12-05 18:53:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-12-04 19:17:49 +0200

Mano gravatar image

I was wondering about that big prompt for a security input too.

Fortunately, I can use a workaround, since in landscape mode, the prompt get's cut off. I'm using this simple patch to allow landscape mode for _all_ apps, inlcuding homescreen:

--- usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qml.orig
+++ usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qml
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
             // No common supported orientations, let the page decide
             allowed = allowedOrientations
-        return allowed
+        return Orientation.Portrait | Orientation.Landscape
     property alias _windowOrientation: orientationState.pageOrientation

Still, you have to remember rotating before entering, and it's actual not an answer to your question, but I wanted to notice that.



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Thanks! I allready knew that since I messed around with the rotations myself, however I disabled lock screen rotation because sometimes it got really annoying. Well, I could draw a Rectangle {} over the code, but then I wouldn't see the amount of inputted numbers.

jollailija ( 2015-12-04 21:11:58 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-12-04 15:57:41 +0200

Seen: 328 times

Last updated: Dec 04 '15