A real Media player like on N9

asked 2015-12-05 00:43:43 +0300

AA-0001 gravatar image

Hello everyone.

It's been a long way since N9. One of the best things that I remembered about it is the Media player.

It was the best of the best. There is lot of things that we can't find nowadays on Sailfish, like the 50 last added, the favorite, the informations about the track, most played never played...

I think that it would be amazing to find these features on Sailfish OS. Of course, I know that there are Media players like Unplayer, FlowPlayer, Shuffle or Onki. They're all great and I don't spit on them, not at all.

However, they lack of basic functionnalities in my opinion. I don't know if someone can do that, but it would be FABULOUS !

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Did you try QuasarMx? (https://www.meteorasoftworks.com)

objectifnul ( 2015-12-05 00:56:31 +0300 )edit

Not bad, but it doesn't match with my needs. And it's not really intuitive. Thank you anyway !

AA-0001 ( 2015-12-05 01:36:34 +0300 )edit

I also miss a few features from N9 which I stiooed using a month ago. I`m still considering if I should rewert back. Need to repair the broken usb first though.

Edit: Like less mistakes when writing, the camera, ability to close apps by swiping down, ability to adjust system & ringtone volume...

anza ( 2015-12-05 07:51:11 +0300 )edit

Wow, never had a N9 but these soind fantastic. Add folderview to the formula and it would be perfect. One could start forking Daedalus...

lispy ( 2015-12-05 11:25:35 +0300 )edit

@anza Go to Settings, then Gestures and pick Quick App Closing, and then You will have a option to close an app wit a swype-down

iKeivs ( 2015-12-05 18:41:30 +0300 )edit