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Jolla boss retweeted about Russian and Chinese gov leaders meeting... [answered]

asked 2015-12-15 22:01:44 +0200

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updated 2015-12-15 22:02:37 +0200

zlutor gravatar image

Antti Saarnio has retweeted some posts where Russian and Chineeses big guys are together. Any info/some nice (con)teos, anyone? :)

The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by molan
close date 2017-02-02 14:21:55.039862



The question is: Is Jolla to become just another data mining corp. ???

Kollin ( 2015-12-16 10:20:45 +0200 )

That would be sad. But I don't think so. That wouldn't make sense, they would loose a unique selling point.

Fellfrosch ( 2015-12-16 11:23:10 +0200 )

they might loose one selling point but they would gain two HUGE markets...

zlutor ( 2015-12-16 15:05:32 +0200 )

More sailfish OS devices would mean less of the american data mining of the users in those countries.

vattuvarg ( 2015-12-17 21:20:35 +0200 )

didn't they say that investors are interested in different flavors of SFOS? As long as there will be a spy-free flavor i don't mind it.

michel ( 2015-12-18 00:11:23 +0200 )
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3 Answers

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answered 2015-12-17 23:55:40 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2015-12-17 23:59:51 +0200

I wouldn't put many thought into those retweets. It's a bit too much speculation in my opinion :-D Antti Saarnio is based at the Hong Kong Jolla office and there's nothing special when someone retweets a meeting of two big government members. Asia (and this includes China, Russia, India) is a big focus of Jolla and the interest in independent systems seems to be the biggest there (see former Jolla meetings with Russian ministry of communication). It's also known that a lot of money (investors), which kept Jolla alive, came/come from these regions.

In my opinion those are extremely important and potential markets and certainly a reason why Antti Saarnio works in Hong Kong.




Well, long time ago the news about Jolla&Russia discussions, then the retweet about an event where top Russian and Chinese gov. leaders have a meeting ''devoted to the Internet" (among many other topics), then suddenly "The Force Awakens". Anyway, I might like conteos too much... :)

I know how important Asia is for Jolla but there was no mention related to any important Asian political event before (AFAIK)...

zlutor ( 2015-12-18 10:15:19 +0200 )

@zlutor: Totally agree with you and sometimes it doesn't harm to try to see a connection between different events (or tweets in this case). I just wanted to explain that Jolla is aware of the interesting opportunities in those regions and has a big focus there since the beginning - so I don't see Saarnio's tweet as something overly special - especially since it's his privat account. Let's see if we learn something interesting in todays (hopefully) blog post :-)

molan ( 2015-12-18 14:36:32 +0200 )
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answered 2015-12-18 02:43:14 +0200

launchpad gravatar image

.... personally I'd like not to see explicit political or religious attachment or support as it should not "flavor" the business / brand beyond its shareholdership. Maybe Anttii should keep his private & jolla related tweets strictly seperated to avoid misperceptions & conflicts. IMHO the name / brand "jolla" already got a bit extended too much by applying it to the completely seperate venture "jolla adventures". It dilutes brand perception.



It is his private account?!

chemist ( 2015-12-18 13:59:03 +0200 )

@chemist ... yes, maybe you're right ;) - I think tweets on deals - not policies should flavor jolla's success story. That said and keeping in mind the diversity of POVs inherent to the question raised above you got my POV ;) ....

launchpad ( 2015-12-18 14:41:36 +0200 )
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answered 2015-12-17 20:32:37 +0200

Pim gravatar image

They could fund themselves and future versions of SailfishOS as consultants for derivative open source products. May be easier than a license-based model. As long as I can get the real thing from them, I wouldn't mind there also being Russian/Chinese variants for other markets. And as long as native apps run anywhere, there's no ecosystem fragmentation.



yes, Jolla should follow operational model of Red Hat or Cyanogen...

zlutor ( 2015-12-18 10:17:41 +0200 )
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Asked: 2015-12-15 22:01:44 +0200

Seen: 2,374 times

Last updated: Dec 18 '15